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List of Mobile Suit Gundam SEED characters

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This article deals with characters from the Cosmic Era timeline of the anime Gundam metaseries. The codes after the name specify in which series/manga the character actually appeared:

See the characters' individual pages, where available, for detailed information.


Three Ships Alliance

This alliance is not a state. Consisting of survivors from the nation of Orb, and rebels from the Earth Alliance and PLANT, this alliance becomes the leading force in ending the Bloody Valentine War.

  • Fllay Allster [GS] - ex-civilian, Natural; the spoiled daughter of George Allster, who by chance winds up on the Archangel and becomes embroiled in the center of the war. After the shock of witnessing her father killed by ZAFT, she starts hating all Coordinators, and tries manipulating Kira by faking affection for him. Gets captured by Le Creuset but escapes to become the Dominion's communication officer; in the battle between the Dominion and the Archangel she is ordered by Natarle Badgerle to return to the Archangel, but dies when her escape pod is shot down by Le Creuset, without being able to tell Kira how she truly felt about him.
  • Sai Argyle [GS] - ex-civilian, Natural; Fllay's fiancé until he gets dumped by her later in the series in favor of Kira, and Archangel crew member.
  • Cagalli Yula Athha [GS/GSD] - ex-Orb, Natural; daughter of the President of Orb, and (as revealed near the end of SEED) Kira Yamato's Natural twin sister. Joins the crew of the Archangel during the ship's fight alongside the Desert Dawn resistance movement. She pilots Strike Rouge, and possesses the ability to go into SEED mode. Cagalli's love interest is Athrun Zala. After the war she is appointed Representative of Orb as a successor to her father. Manipulated by Yuna Roma Seiran who tries marrying her after the beginning of the Second Bloody Valentine War as an attempt to take control of Orb, Kira "kidnaps" her with Freedom in the middle of the wedding, and she ends up joining the Archangel's crew again. In the Dardanelles Battle and in the Battle of Crete, she tries to stop Orb's army (by then part of the Earth Alliance) from attacking ZAFT units, only to fail both times.
    • Her name, Cagalli, is named after Japanese word kagaribi(a watch fire or a bonfire).
  • Natarle Badgiruel [GS] - Natural; Executive Officer of the Archangel; transferred shortly before its defection (see EA/OMNI section below).
  • Kuzzey Buskirk [GS] - ex-civilian, Natural; part of the group of Heliopolis civilians that stayed on the Archangel, and leaves it when its crew defects.
  • Asagi Caldwell [GS/GSA] - ex-Orb, Natural; head of the M1 Astray squad on the Kusanagi, one of three test pilots of the Natural OS and the M1 Astray itself; killed On September 26, C.E. 71
  • Jean Carry [GSA] - ex-EA, Coordinator; an engineering professor and MS pilot. Known as "Glittering Star J", Jean piloted a captured ZGMF-1017 GINN and then a GAT-01D Long Dagger Fortressa for the Earth Alliance before defecting to the Junk Guild, then piloted an MBF-M1 Astray after joining the Clyne Faction shortly before the end of the Bloody Valentine War
  • Dalida Lolaha Chandra II [GS/GSD]- ex-EA, Natural; Archangel's original crew member, in charge of CIC
  • Lacus Clyne [GS/GSD] - ex-ZAFT, Coordinator; daughter of Siegel Clyne, PLANT's Chairman, a very popular idol in PLANT; through a political arrangement, she is originally engaged with Athrun Zala, but later falls in love with Kira Yamato. Strongly believing in the peaceful ideals of her father, she uses of her influence to help Kira steal Freedom and forms the faction bearing her name to counter Patrick Zala's increasingly genocidal plans, stealing and taking command of the support ship Eternal. After the war she greatly contributed to bring to an end, lives peacefully near Orb. Following a Coordinator assassination attempt, she leaves with the Archangel. Later secretely returns to space and the Eternal with Andrew Waltfeld to assess the degrading situation.
    • Her name, Lacus, means lake.
  • Martin DaCosta [GS/GSD] - ex-ZAFT, Coordinator; served as Andrew Waltfeld's second-in-command in the Africa Region. Later he and other ZAFT soldiers loyal to Lacus Clyne helped move her underground after Patrick Zala declares her a traitor. After Athrun's arrest by his father, at Lacus' personal request DaCosta frees Athrun from captivity and the two escape to the Eternal. During the Second Bloody Valentine War, DaCosta is among the Eternal crewmembers to welcome Andy and Lacus back.
  • Dearka Elsman [GS] - ex-ZAFT, Coordinator; originally member of ZAFT and pilot of Buster, he befriends Miriallia and joins the Clyne Faction after being captured by the Archangel. The main reason for his defection was out of protest for ZAFT's new genocidal policies being brought on by Patrick Zala; after the war he returns to ZAFT. The show's director Mitsuo Fukuda admitted that he had Dearka switching sides due to the poor sales figures of GAT-X103 Buster related merchandise. (see also his ZAFT entry below)
  • Mu La Flaga [GS] - ex-EA, Natural; top mobile armor pilot, later pilots a rebuilt Strike. Like Ramius, Mwu treats Kira Yamato as a younger brother, frequently taking the youngster under his wing to teach him the finer points of piloting; supposedly dies on November 2, C.E. 71 while protecting Archangel from a positron blaster gun attack from Dominion, after learning that Rau Le Creuset is a clone of his father Al Da Flaga.
  • Miriallia Haww [GS/GSD] - ex-civilian, Natural; Tolle's girlfriend, in charge of communications in Archangel and later friend with Dearka; after the war Miriallia becomes a battlefield photographer, and is seen documenting the devastation caused by the Junius-7 colony drop. Later on during the Second Bloody Valentine War she meets Athrun Zala again and sets up a meeting with him, Kira Yamato, and Cagalli Yula Athha. Right before the Archangel's intervention in the Battle of Crete, Miriallia takes her place back in the crew at the same position as before.
  • Barry Ho [GSA] - ex-Orb, Natural; an Orb ace pilot and protector of the Orb vessel Kusanagi, pilots a MBF-M1A Astray; a skilled pilot and martial arts master with the nickname "God Hand" (though he is an atheist, with the word "Godless" painted on his M1A Astray), he is extremely shy with women.
  • Ledonir Kisaka [GS/GSA/GSD] - ex-Orb, Natural; Cagalli's guardian during her time with Desert Dawn, officer within the Orb military, and co-captain of the Kusanagi. In the Second Bloody Valentine War he is seen in a EA uniform leading a group of defected EA soldiers after Gilbert Dullindal's speech against LOGOS. Shortly after, rescues Athrun Zala and Meyrin Hawke shot down in their escape from ZAFT and turned them over to Archangel for medical treatment.
  • Tolle Koenig [GS] - ex-civilian, Natural; Miriallia's boyfriend and backup pilot for the Sky Grasper; killed in battle by Athrun Zala
  • Mayura Labatt [GS/GSA] - ex-Orb, Natural; third in command of Asagi's M1 Astray squad; killed engaging an enemy ZGMF-600 GuAIZ.
  • Kojiro Murdoch [GS/GSD] - ex-EA, Natural; Archangel's original crew member, a veteran mechanic.
  • Arnold Newmann [GS/GSD] - ex-EA, Natural; Archangel's original crew member, in charge of piloting Archangel itself
  • Juri Wu Nien [GS/GSA] - ex-Orb, Natural; one of the members on Asagi's M1 Astray squad, second in command; she tries to steal the MBF-P02 Gundam Astray Red Frame, piloted by Lowe Guele, in order to test its Natural OS; killed on Sept. 26, C.E. 71
  • Romero Pal [GS/GSD] - ex-EA, Natural; Archangel's original crew member, first in charge of fire control, then CIC.
  • Murrue Ramius [GS/GSD] - ex-EA, Natural; captain of the Archangel and Flaga's love interest. Her old boyfriend was a mobile armor pilot who was killed in action. Ramius is a stern but fair commanding officer who treats Kira Yamato as a younger brother. After the war she goes by the alias "Maria Vernes", and works for Morgenroete, Inc.'s Shipbuilding Section B in Orb, alongside Kojiro Murdoch and possibly other former Archangel crewmembers. After the alliance between the Earth Alliance and Orb, she leaves with the Archangel. In the Second Bloody Valentine War, she and the other crew members of the Archangel have replaced their EA uniforms with Orb Military uniforms. In Gundam SEED, she has the "good cop" attitude opposite Natarle's "bad cop" attitude.
  • Jackie Tonomura [GS/GSD] - ex-EA, Natural; Archangel's original crew member, in charge of CIC
  • Andrew Waltfeld [GS/GSD] - ex-ZAFT, Coordinator; the "Desert Tiger" of ZAFT, pilots a LaGOWE destroyed by Kira Yamato. At first believed to have been killed, he survives the battle, losing an arm, a leg, and an eye. He is then assigned as captain of the Eternal, but steals the ship with the Clyne Faction. Develops an interest in the twins Kira Yamato and Cagalli Yula Athha. After the war he lives alongside Murrue Ramius in Onogoro Island, Orb. In the aftermath of the assassination attempt on Lacus Clyne, where he uses a weapon concealed in his prosthetic left arm, he leaves with Archangel, and pilots a MVF-M11C Murasame in his custom gold and red colours; later in the Second Bloody Valentine War he accompanies Lacus Clyne to PLANT and the asteroid where the Eternal was hidden. There, he takes command of a ZGMF-X88S Gaia Gundam, bearing the color scheme of his previous LaGOWE.
  • Kira Yamato [GS/GSD] - ex-civilian, Coordinator; childhood friend with Athrun Zala. Pilot of Strike, and later Freedom which he receives from Lacus Clyne to replace Strike after it was destroyed in battle against Athrun. Has the ability (and is the first pictured) to go in SEED mode; after the Bloody Valentine War lives peacefully in Orb with Lacus, Reverend Malchio and the Reverend's orphans. Following the assassination attempt on Lacus, he leaves Orb with the Archangel. During the first part of the Second Bloody Valentine War he, along with Cagalli Yula Athha and the Archangel, tries to stop the Orb forces (which by then had sided with the Earth Alliance) from attacking the Minerva. In that endeavour, Freedom is eventually destroyed in battle by Shinn Asuka's Impulse. He was able to deactivate Freedom's nuclear reactor allowing him to escape with minor injuries; later takes Cagalli's Strike Rouge into space to protect the Eternal when it is under attack from ZAFT and is given the new Strike Freedom by Lacus Clyne.
    • His last name, Yamato, is derived from Japan's historical Yamato period. His first name may have derived from the Japanese word for spark, "kirameki", but is actually a deformed pronunciation of the word 'killer' (since 'l' and 'r' are nearly pronunciated the same way in Japanese).
  • Athrun Zala [GS/GSD] - ex-ZAFT, Coordinator; pilots ZAFT unit Aegis until losing it in battle against his childhood friend Kira Yamato. He later receives Justice from ZAFT but defects to the Clyne Faction, taking it with him. Son of Patrick Zala, member of PLANT's High Council. Through a political arrangement between Patrick and Siegel Clyne, Athrun is engaged to Lacus Clyne, but he later becomes involved with Cagalli Yula Athha. After the war he officially discharges from ZAFT and serves as Cagalli's personal bodyguard in Orb, under the alias "Alex Dino". After the Armory One incident re-enlists in ZAFT and receives the FAITH appointment by Chairman Dullindal, along with Saviour to serve aboard Minerva and lead the mobile suit team. During the Battle of Crete, when Kira tries to stop Orb forces from battling, Athrun tries to reason with him to stop him, but drove by anger, Saviour is destroyed by Kira. Later, Athrun is framed as a traitor by Dullindal and Rey Za Burrel and is forced to flee with Meyrin Hawke. Despite being shot down, the two of them are recovered and are soon sent to the Archangel for medical treatment.
    • His name, Athrun, means dawn or daybreak.

Earth Alliance/OMNI

Atlantic Federation

  • Shani Andras [GS] - Natural/Extended; pilot of the GAT-X252 Forbidden, killed by Yzak Joule
  • Murata Azrael [GS] - Natural; leader of Blue Cosmos, and in charge of the OMNI Gundam pilots; in the Second Battle of Jachin Due, when the Dominion engages the Archangel he goes to extreme measures to prevail in battle, but ultimately dies in the destruction of the Dominion. His father Bruno Azrael is a member of LOGOS
  • Natarle Badgiruel [GS]- Natural; Executive Officer of Archangel and later Captain of Dominion, Badgiruel is a stern martinet who operates strictly by the book, even when it conflicts with Captain Ramius; shot by Azrael and killed in battle when Dominion is destroyed by Archangel in the Second Battle of Jachin Due
  • Clotho Buer [GS] - Natural/Extended; pilot of the GAT-X370 Raider; killed by Yzak Joule, who had Duel take Buster's rifle.
  • Lord Djibril [GSD] - Natural; Blue Cosmos's leader after Azrael; revives the Blue Cosmos and its plans to exterminate all Coordinators; also a member of the secret society "Logos". After the Battle of Berlin he is distrusted by his associates in Logos.
  • Lewis Halberton [GS] - Natural; Commander of 8th Fleet, Admiral Halberton is Lt. Murrue Ramius's mentor and sacrifices his life to protect Archangel during atmospheric reentry
  • Edward Harrelson [GSA] - Natural; Earth Alliance ace pilot; pilots a F-7D Spearhead fighter jet, GAT-01 Strike Dagger, GAT-01D1 Duel Dagger Fortresta, GAT-333 Raider Full Spec, and GAT-X133 Sword Calamity Unit 2; prefers hand-to-hand combat; also called "Ed the Ripper"; his former lover was Alliance underwater ace Jane Houston; a prominent member of the U.S.S.A. rebellion against the Earth Alliance
  • Jane Houston [GSA] - Natural; Earth Alliance underwater ace pilot, pilots a prototype GAT-X255 Forbidden Blue and a GAT-706S Deep Forbidden mass production amphibious mobile suit; nicknamed "White Whale" by ZAFT pilots for her underwater prowess; former lover of Edward Harrelson
  • Rena Imelia [GSA] - Natural; Earth Alliance ace pilot and combat instructor, piloted GAT-01D1 Duel Dagger Fortressa, GAT/A-01E2 Buster Dagger, and GAT-X133 Sword Calamity; while a Natural, Rena has reflexes on par with Coordinators and she can pilot a Mobile Suit using a Coordinator-compatible OS; initially trained the EA's mobile suit pilots, but was later reassigned as a combat pilot herself; also known by the nickname "Sakura Burst", referring to both her combat style in the Buster Dagger and to a burn scar on her right shoulder
  • Ian Lee [GSD] - captain of the Girty Lue, trusts Neo implicitly
  • Neo Lorrnoke [GSD] - commander of the 81st Independent Mobile Battalion (including Sting, Stellar and Auel), wears a mask that covers his face and is deeply trusted by his subordinates; pilots the mobile armor TS-MA4F Exass and the mobile suit GAT-04 Windam; has a Newtype reaction to Rey Za Burrel and resembles reportedly deceased Earth Alliance ace Mu La Flaga. After the Battle of Berlin he is captured by the Archangel and revealed to be genetically identical to Mu La Flaga.
  • Stellar Loussier [GSD] - Natural/Extended; second generation Extended pilot; special forces member of the Earth Alliance, takes part in the Armory One incident and steals the ZGMF-X88S Gaia; behaves like an ordinary 4 year old girl, except physically she's 16. Shows abnormal strength during combat; for some reason, she wears a ZAFT uniform belt; during an shore-leave incident was saved by Shinn Asuka and develops a bond with him, but her memories got erased as standard Extended pre-battle treatment; later becomes a POW on the Minerva, due to her dependence on drugs unknown to ZAFT her medical condition got worse until she is on the verge of dying; violating orders, Shinn takes her back to Neo Lorrnoke to save her life and to avoid from having Stellar being treated as a guinea pig by ZAFT's laboratories; Neo promises to Shinn that after recovering she will be spared from fighting, but nevertheless she is assigned as the pilot of the GFAS-X1 Destroy and is killed in battle by Kira Yamato
  • Auel Neider [GSD] - Natural/Extended; second generation Extended pilot; special forces member of the Earth Alliance, takes part in the Armory One incident and steals the ZGMF-X31S Abyss, becoming its pilot; killed in battle by Shinn at the Battle of Crete
  • Sting Oakley [GSD] - Natural/Extended; second generation Extended pilot; special forces member of the Earth Alliance, takes part in the Armory One incident and steals the ZGMF-X24S Chaos thus becoming its pilot; thought to have been killed in action when the Chaos was destroyed while fighting against three MVF-M11C Murasame units from the Archangel, but had survived and piloted one of the five produced units of the GFAS-X1 Destroy during the Battle of Iceland, only to be killed by Shinn
  • Orga Sabnak [GS] - Natural/Extended; pilot of the GAT-X131 Calamity, killed by Athrun Zala

Eurasian Federation

  • Balsam Arendo [GSA] - Natural; Eurasian Federation ace pilot, pilots the CAT1-X2/3 Hyperion Unit 2; killed by Canard when deserting from the Eurasian Federation
  • Morgan Chevalier [GSA] - Natural; Earth Alliance Newtype ace pilot, and a Eurasian tank commander before the introduction of EA mobile suits; pilots a GAT-01 Strike Dagger, and a GAT-01A1 "105 Dagger" Gunbarrel unit until the end of the war; also known as the "Mad Dog of the Moonlight", he is actually quite calm and methodical in battle
  • Canard Pars [GSA] - Coordinator; Eurasian Federation ace pilot, Canard is a product of the same "Ultimate Coordinator" project as Kira Yamato, and is possibly his older brother; pilots the CAT1-X1/3 Hyperion Unit 1; defected to the Junk Guild at the end of the war, pilots the rebuilt YMF-X000A/H Dreadnought H


  • Mad Abes [GSD] - Minerva's tech crew team leader
  • Miguel Aiman [GS/GSA] - Coordinator; known as the "Magic Bullet Of Dusk", a ZAFT ace under the command of Le Creuset, who normally piloted a customized GINN tailored to his combat style; unfortunately, Miguel ended up meeting two bits of bad luck that ultimately cost him his life - his custom GINN was severely damaged by Serpent Tail mercenary ace Gai Murakumo, forcing him to use a standard GINN in the Heliopolis assault - where he was killed by the Strike piloted by Kira Yamato
  • Nicol Amalfi [GS] - Coordinator; member of ZAFT, pilot of Blitz; killed in action by Kira Yamato. Nicol joined up after the Bloody Valentine incident, but never really wanted to fight. A gifted musician, his favorite instrument was the piano; his last words were, "Athrun... run...". He is the son of PLANT Supreme Council member Yuri Amalfi.
  • Shinn Asuka [GSD] - Coordinator; born in Orb, after losing his parents and younger sister Mayu Asuka during the Orb invasion of C.E. 71, moves to PLANT and enlists in ZAFT and becomes a very talented pilot; pilot of the ZGMF-X56S Impulse, wears the red uniform meaning he belongs in the top class of his military cadet school; arrogant and proud, aggressively disdainful of Orb and its ideals; blames Uzumi Nara Athha (and his daughter Cagalli) for the deaths of his family; Asuka also possesses the SEED factor; after the Battle of Berlin Shinn takes a personal grudge against Freedom Pilot Kira Yamato for killing Steller Loussier a person he cared for; after sucessfully destroying the Freedom Shinn is given the ZGMF-X42S Destiny from ZAFT Chairman Gilbert Dullindal
  • Rey Za Burrel [GSD] - Coordinator; Minerva crew member and a cool-minded, high-profile pilot; pilots the commander class ZAKU Phantom; has a Newtype reaction to Neo Lorrnoke; after the defection of Athrun Zala, he took over as the pilot of ZGMF-X666S Legend, which was originally intended for Athrun, with approval from ZAFT Chairman Gilbert Dullindal
  • Eileen Canaver [GS] - Coordinator; the youngest member of the PLANT Supreme Council and the head of the diplomatic committee. She is Siegal Clyne's right hand on the council and deputy leader of the moderate faction.
  • Siegel Clyne [GS] - Coordinator; chairman of the PLANT Supreme Council (the government that ZAFT is part of) and father of Lacus Clyne; more moderate in seeking a peaceful solution to the war, doesn't have the hate most have towards naturals; this had made him and his supporters the minority in the PLANT council and he gets brutally gunned down by Patrick's minions, who were searching for his daughter.
  • Meer Campbell [GSD] - a singer who is impersonating Lacus Clyne for political reason; accompanied by a red Haro
  • Rau Le Creuset [GS] - Clone/Natural; member of ZAFT; a failed clone of Al Da Flaga (Muu La Flaga's father), hellbent on destroying all of humanity; killed in action by Kira Yamato; Rau's surname means "Crucible" in French
  • Gilbert Dullindal [GSD] - after signing the Treaty of Junius as the successor of the Temporary Council, becomes the Chairman of the Supreme Council; pushes forward with Clyne's political ideals and is deeply trusted by the common people; currently seeking reconciliation with the Naturals; used to be a friend of Rau Le Creuset, has knowldge of Logos and holds a copy of the GFAS-X1 Destroy's blueprints; the crew of Archangel distrust him.
  • Vino Dupre [GSD] - Member of Minerva's tech crew
  • Dearka Elsman [GS/GSD] - Coordinator; member of ZAFT and pilot of Buster, he befriends Miriallia and joins the Clyne Faction after being captured by the Archangel; after the war returns to ZAFT as a member of the Joule Team; Doesn't wear the red uniform of a top gun but the green uniform of an ordinary pilot; pilots a ZAKU Warrior. He is the son of PLANT Supreme Council member, Tad Elsman.
  • Talia Gladys [GSD] - appointed captain of Minerva, possesses excellent ability and great decision making skills; she is shown sharing her quarters with Dullindal wearing nothing but a bed sheet wrapped around her, which started speculations regarding their relationship. It was reveiled later that they were lovers in the past. Talia told Dullindal that their relationship was over because if she wanted a child, she could no longer stay with him. She was appointed to FAITH, and answers directly to Chairman Dullindal
  • Ash Gray [GSA] - Coordinator; ZAFT Special Forces Ace Pilot, freaky Coordinator that has extra eyes on his forehead; pilots the ZGMF-X11A Regenerate; killed by Lowe & Gai
  • Shiho Hahnenfuss [GS/GSA/GSD] - elite pilot, wears the red uniform of the top cadets of the military cadet school; piloted the ZGMF-515 CGUE and YFX-200 CGUE Deep Arms. Assigned to the Joule Squadron before the end of the Bloody Valentine War, she participated in the Second Battle of Jachin Due; pilots a purple Blaze ZAKU Phantom
  • Lunamaria Hawke [GSD] - Coordinator; crew member of ZAFT's latest ship Minerva; wears the red elite uniform like Shinn Asuka, pilots the ZAKU Warrior; her unit is red, rather than the standard green; likes Athrun Zala; dispite losing her ZAKU unit at the Battle of Crete, Lunamaria is soon given the Impulse as her new mobile suit after Shinn receives the Destiny
  • Meyrin Hawke [GSD] - Lunamaria's sister and communications officer of Minerva. Like Lunamaria, she appears to like Athrun; later when Athrun was framed as a traitor, Meyrin gets involved and ends up fleeing from ZAFT alongside Athrun
  • Abi Windsor [GSD] - Minerva's new CIC. Her main job is MS Management and Communication.
  • Courtney Hieronimus [GSA] - ZAFT test pilot for almost all of their mobile suits. Famous MS she test-piloted include the YMF-X000A Dreadnought, ZGMF-X999A ZAKU Trial Type, and ZGMF-X24S Chaos.
  • Burt Heim [GSD] - Minerva bridge personnel, sensors and secondary systems
  • Yzak Joule [GS/GSD] - Coordinator; pilot of Duel, gets a scar across his face from Kira after his cockpit gets stabbed by Kira's knife; joins Dearka in the final battle to fight OMNI Enforcer and save PLANT; after the war returns to ZAFT as commanding officer of the Joule Team; pilots a Slash ZAKU Phantom. His mother is PLANT Supreme Council member Ezalia Joule.
  • Youlan Kent [GSD] - Member of Minerva's tech crew; friend with Shinn
  • Arthur Trine [GSD] - Executive officer of the Minerva.
  • Heine Westenfluss [GSD] - elite pilot, also given the special FAITH insignia; belongs to Athrun's FAITH squad and pilots a GOUF Ignited; previously piloted an orange Blaze ZAKU Phantom; killed in action due to the intervention of Kira Yamato who disabled his GOUF which was cut in half by Stellar Loussier with the ZGMF-X88S Gaia soon after.
  • Goud Veia [GSA] - Coordinator; known as "The Hero Of ZAFT", Veia is a ZAFT ace along with Miguel & Elijiah, the best of the three; with his outstanding skills he brought ZAFT many victories turning the tide to OMNI ENFORCERS Mass Forces; during and after the Eleven Month War, Veia develops a split personality problem, one personality is kind, helpful, the other is revengeful and wants to kill anyone around him, including Elijah Kiel; he pilots a customized GINN tailored to his combat style, that makes him famous; Veia gets killed by Elijah at the Literia space colony
  • Malik Yardbirds [GSD] - Minerva bridge personnel; helm
  • Chen Zheng Y [GSD] - Minerva bridge personnel, weapons systems
  • Patrick Zala [GS] - Coordinator; Athrun's father, escalates the ZAFT-OMNI war in his quest to purge the world of Naturals; believes Coordinators are the only Humans for the Cosmic Era, goes to extreme measures such as the use of the Neutron Jammer Cancellers, the creation of the Eternal, and the building of a superweapon called GENESIS; shot to death by a dissenting soldier who objects to his plan to vaporize Earth

Orb Union

  • Mayu Asuka [GSD] - Shinn's sister; as the Asuka family ran to an Orb escape ship, she dropped her cell phone; Shinn went after it, and a misfire from the Freedom's HiMAT system destroyed the hillside the family was on, killing them instantly; Shinn still has Mayu's cell phone and occasionally listens to her voice mail recording, just to hear her voice again
  • Cagalli Yula Athha [GS/GSD] - Orb representative after the war, gets "kidnapped" by Kira in Freedom just before the marriage with Yuna Roma Seiran (see Clyne Faction, above)
  • Uzumi Nara Athha [GS] - Natural; leader of the Emirate of Orb; commits suicide with the rest of Orb forces to stop OMNI from occupying their nation
  • Rondo Ghina Sahaku [GSA] - Coordinator; co-head of the Sahaku royal family of the Orb Union; desired Orb to rule the Earth Sphere; killed in July C.E. 71 by Blue Frame pilot Gai Murakumo
  • Rondo Mina Sahaku [GSA] - Coordinator; co-head of the Sahaku royal family of the Orb Union and sister of Rondo Ghina
  • Yuna Roma Seiran [GSD] - Unato's son, manipulates Cagalli into accepting the Earth Alliance's alliance with Orb, and tries to marry her; advocates the alliance and strongly opposes Cagalli, ZAFT and both Minerva and Archangel; a coward, he believes firmly in commanding from the rear and evacuating at the first sign of trouble
  • Unato Ema Seiran [GSD] - prime minister of Orb after the deaths of former chief representatives Uzumi Nara Athha and Representative Homura
  • Erica Simmons [GS] - chief designer in the Orb Union's military force; she is a Coordinator, but hides this fact; failed to develop an Operating System (OS) that would allow a Natural to fight on a similar level as a Coordinator, until the arrival of Kira Yamato with Archangel, who helps her construct an OS for the Orb Union's own mobile suits, the MBF-M1 M1 Astray; later when she helps rebuild the Strike, she equipped it with her OS system, which would later be given to Mu La Flaga, when the Archangel crew returns to Orb after their defection from the EA.
  • Todaka [GSD] - commander of Orb's 2nd Defense Fleet, defies Yuna Roma Seiran by allowing first Minerva and then Archangel to escape Orb; later assigned as captain of the Takemikazuchi aircraft carrier as Colonel; he is also the officer who took care of Shinn back then when Orb was attacked by the Earth alliance on June 15, 16; killed in battle in the Battle at Crete, when Shinn destroyed the Takemikazuchi

Junk Guild [GSA]

  • Liam Garfield [GSA] - Coordinator; a member of the Junk Guild, pilots a customized Kimera and a Works Ginn
  • Lowe Guele [GSA] - Natural; engineer, pilot and technician, pilots the MBF-P02 Astray Red Frame; first operated from the HOME, with the Professor Kisato Yamabuki and Liam Garfield; later transferred to ReHOME
  • Prea LeVeri [GSA] - Coordinator; pilot of the YMF-X000A Dreadnought, has extremely good Newtype potential, due to the fact that he is a failed Al Da Flaga clone; rival of Canard Pars, supposedly dies in November C.E. 71 due to flaws in the cloning process, but fakes it to convince Canard to change his life

Serpent Tail [GSA]

  • Loretta Adja [GSA] - Natural; explosives expert and mother to Kazahana Adja
  • Elijah Kiel [GSA] - Coordinator/Natural; Gai's wingman, pilots a custom ZGMF-1017 GINN with a blade-like head crest; before joining Gai he was with ZAFT alongside his best friend Goud Veia
  • Gai Murakumo [GSA] - Coordinator; leader of the Serpent Tail mercenary company, and pilot of the MBF-P03 Astray Blue Frame; first meets Lowe Guele at the remains of Heliopolis; goes where the money takes him, and is friend with fellow pilot Elijah Kiel


  • Conil Almeta [GSD] - a young 14-year-old girl with the anti-Alliance resistance in Eurasia's Western Gulnahan; under her guidance the Minerva strikes an Alliance stronghold
  • George Glenn [GS/GSA] - Coordinator; graduated from MIT, became an American football star and Olympic athlete, served in the Air Force; develops PLANT as research labs; head of the Jupiter exploration project; he is the first Coordinator and gives away his genetic secret to the world, sowing the Coordinator-Natural rift; assassinated in C.E. 53 by a young Natural
  • Kenaf Luchini [GSA] - Coordinator; head of the defense comglomerate Actaeon Industries, contracts Gai Murakumo to destroy the Astray project, talks to him about getting the Red Frame; pilots the prototype NMS-X07PO Gel Finieto
  • Reverend Malchio [GS] - Natural; a blind priest trusted by both the PLANTs and Earth Alliance, thus allowing him to serve as an occasional envoy between the two. He runs an orphanage in the Marshall Islands and also brings the severely injured Kira Yamato to Lacus Clyne after Kira's near fatal battle with Athrun Zala.
  • Evidence 01 [GS/GSA] - also called the "Winged Whale", it is an extraterrestial fossil that was found orbiting Jupiter by George Glenn, proving the existence of life beyond Earth; the discovery weakens the influence of many religions, which in turn led to a temporary increase in tolerance for Coordinators; this is a first-ever occurrence of an alien life in the entire Gundam universe, in all timelines.