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Butsukari otoko

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Butsukari otoko (ぶつかり男, 'Bumping man') means a man who deliberately does a ramming attack against a woman within a station precinct.[1]

They are also called Takkuru otoko (タックル男, 'Tackle men'),[2] Taiatari otoko (体当たり男, 'Ramming men')[3] and Butsukari ojisan (ぶつかりおじさん, 'Bumping old men')[4]



In May 2018, the video of a man carrying out ramming attacks one after another targeting only women within the Shinjuku Station precinct was disseminated on Twitter, YouTube, etc. (video:女性に次々ぶつかる男性).[1] In the wake of this, similar victim reports occurred one after another, and were also featured in multiple wide shows.[5] JR East has given a heads-up on it as disruptive behaviour and has stepped up vigilance with security guards and station staff.[4]

As for the motives for ramming, the purposes of relieving frustration, molestation and staged crash have been pointed out.[3][6] Moreover, a warped feeling of justice for walking smartphones is also cited as a reason.[4]



According to a special feature on Morning Show which aired in May 2018, they say that 'butsukari otoko' are mainly classified into the following 4 patterns.[7]

  • Following type – He follows and bumps into a woman that he targeted.
  • Pick-a-fight type – When she turns around, he stands firm with his feet set apart.
  • My-own-way type – He ignores the flow of people.
  • Attacking type – He does things like sticking his leg out.
  • Slugger type – He socks unsuspecting women in the eye.

Arrest examples




In the event that they deliberately launched a ramming attack against passers-by, etc., there is a possibility that they will be charged with the following crimes.[8]

  • Battery – For the act of ramming itself.
  • Bodily harm – In cases where they have wounded the other party.
  • Anti-nuisance ordinance violation – In cases where molestation is the purpose.
  • Deception – In cases where they pretended that their smartphones, glasses, laptops, tablet devices, luxury watches and luxury bags were damaged or got scratched, or their brand-name luxury suits and coats got a stain or were torn, pressed them for a cleaning fee, repair bill, compensation for items and payment of settlement money, and swindled them out of their cash.

In addition, there are also cases where civil claims for compensation for damages are possible. Moreover, in the event that a pregnant woman had suffered an injury, bodily harm charges can also be applied for the fetus.[9]

See also



  1. ^ a b Shino Tanaka (May 31, 2018). "女性を狙う『ぶつかり男』が新宿駅に出没。JR東日本が警戒「絶対にやめてほしい」" [“Bumping Man” targeting women haunts Shinjuku Station. JR East Japan, on the alert, ‘absolutely wants him to stop’]. HuffPost (in Japanese). BuzzFeed Japan. Retrieved July 27, 2020.
  2. ^ Bambi Yoshikawa (December 21, 2018). "女性ばかりを狙う「ぶつかりおじさん」は、ストレス社会が生んだモンスターか?" [Are “Bumping old men”, who target only women, monsters that a stressful society created?]. Bunshun Online (in Japanese). Bungeishunjū. Retrieved July 27, 2020.
  3. ^ a b c Bambi Yoshikawa (June 9, 2020). "「女性に体当たりする暴走中年」増えた根本原因" [The underlying cause why “out-of-control middle-aged men ramming themselves into women” have increased]. Toyo Keizai Online (in Japanese). Toyo Keizai Inc. Retrieved July 27, 2020.
  4. ^ a b c Hyakusō Hino (October 25, 2021). "帰ってきた「ぶつかりおじさん」やり返せない人が狙われる" [People who cannot reply in kind are targeted by “bumping old men” who have begun to return]. News Postseven (in Japanese). Shogakukan. Retrieved October 25, 2021.
  5. ^ Satetsu Takeda (September 16, 2021). "小田急線刺傷事件、痴漢、セクハラ問題…なぜ「男だって大変」説が支持されるのか" [The Odakyū Line Stabbing Incident, molestations, the SH problem…Why is it that the “Men are formidable too” theory is supported?]. PRESIDENT WOMAN (in Japanese). president.jp. Retrieved October 25, 2021.
  6. ^ a b "女性の胸狙う"ぶつかり男"逮捕 容疑否認も過去には「感触が良く十数回やった」" [“Bumping man” targeting women’s breasts was arrested, also denies charges and in the past, ‘I did it a dozen times because it felt good’]. FNN’s Prime Online (in Japanese). July 10, 2020. Retrieved July 27, 2020.
  7. ^ "わざと女性に体当たり、「ぶつかり男」逮捕 新宿駅では現在も被害報告相次ぐ" [“Bumping man” arrested for deliberately ramming into women, but victim reports are still happening one after another at Shinjuku Station]. WEZZY (in Japanese). September 27, 2019. Retrieved July 27, 2020.
  8. ^ "「体当たり男」は犯罪! どのような刑罰に該当するのかを弁護士が解説" [“Ramming Man” is a crime! Lawyer explains what kind of punishments that it falls under] (in Japanese). Verybest Law Offices. February 26, 2020. Retrieved July 27, 2020.
  9. ^ "キンタロー。も被害、"ぶつかり男"はどのような罪に問われるのか" [Kintalo also harmed, what kind of crimes will the “bumping man” be charged with?]. Mynavi News (in Japanese). February 19, 2020. Retrieved July 29, 2020.