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List of successful coups d'état
Central African Republic Bush War
Ethiopian Civil War
First Congo War
First Liberian Civil War
Paraguayan Civil War
Samoan Civil War
Second Samoan Civil War
Barons' War
Dictum of Kenilworth
First Barons' War
Robert Fitzwalter
Magna Carta
Mise of Amiens
Mise of Lewes
Peace of Canterbury
Provisions of Oxford
Provisions of Westminster
Second Barons' War
Siege of Kenilworth
Richard de Southchurch
Treaty of Lambeth
Battle of Lincoln (1217)
Battle of Monmouth (1233)
Battle of Evesham
Battle of Lewes
Battle of Northampton (1264)
William II de Forz, 3rd Earl of Albemarle
Hugh Bigod, 3rd Earl of Norfolk
William d'Aubigny (rebel)
De Lacy
Geoffrey FitzGeoffrey de Mandeville, 2nd Earl of Essex
Eustace de Vesci
John FitzRobert
William Hardell
Henry of Braybrooke
Henry de Bohun, 1st Earl of Hereford
Gilbert de Clare, 5th Earl of Gloucester
Richard de Clare, 3rd Earl of Hertford
William of Huntingfield
William de Lanvallei
John de Lacy, 2nd Earl of Lincoln
William Malet (Magna Carta)
Roger de Montbegon
Richard de Montfichet
Roger Bigod, 2nd Earl of Norfolk
Robert de Vere, 3rd Earl of Oxford
William Marshal, 2nd Earl of Pembroke
Richard de Percy
Robert de Ros
Geoffrey de Saye
Saer de Quincy, 1st Earl of Winchester
1215: The Year of Magna Carta
Charter of the Forest
Magna Carta Island
Magna Carta Place
The Baronial Order of Magna Charta
Plans in Mexican history
Plan of Agua Prieta
Plan of Ayala
Plan of Ayutla
Plan of Casa Mata
Plan of Guadalupe
Plan of Iguala
Plan de la Noria
Plan of San Luis Potosí
Plan of Tuxtepec
1925 Chilean coup d'état
1936 Iraqi coup d'état
1941 Iraqi coup d'état
1980 Turkish coup d'état
1992 Peruvian constitutional crisis
Bolivian military juntas of 1970-1982
1964 Brazilian coup d'état
Brazilian Military Junta of 1969
Chad under Félix Malloum
1973 Chilean coup d'état
Golden Square (Iraq)
Military dictatorship
Mobutu Sese Seko
Nigerian military juntas of 1966–1979 and 1983–1998
1999 Pakistani coup d'état
Revolutionary Government Junta of El Salvador
Transition to the New Order
United Officers' Group
Ashraf Hotaki
List of Roman usurpers
Roman usurper
All the Shah's Men
Coup d'État: A Practical Handbook
Overthrow (book)
Power Play (1978 film)
Shah of Shahs
Glasser v. United States
Frank W. Boykin
Frank J. Brasco
Angelo Errichetti
Richard T. Hanna
Louis Johanson
Thomas Francis Johnson
Richard Kelly (politician)
Joseph P. Kolter
Raymond F. Lederer
Andrew J. May
Thomas W. Miller
John M. Murphy
Michael Myers (politician)
Bertram L. Podell
Frank Thompson
James Traficant
Timothy Villagomez
Harrison A. Williams
BBC sexual abuse cases
Jimmy Savile sexual abuse scandal
Umm Hajul controversy
Vela Incident
Aral smallpox incident
Kyshtym disaster
Nedelin catastrophe
Sverdlovsk anthrax leak
Hindu–German Conspiracy
M. P. T. Acharya
Annie Larsen
Annie Larsen affair
Anushilan Samiti
Abdul Hafiz Mohamed Barakatullah
Berlin Committee
Johann Heinrich von Bernstorff
Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg
Sohan Singh Bhakna
Abhinash Bhattacharya
Black Tom explosion
Rash Behari Bose
British counter-intelligence against the Indian revolutionary movement during World War I
Amarendranath Chatterjee
Virendranath Chattopadhyaya
Christmas Day Plot
Clan na Gael
Tarak Nath Das
Bhupendra Kumar Datta
Defence of India Act 1915
John Devoy
Giani Pritam Singh Dhillon
Bhupendranath Datta
Bipin Behari Ganguli
Guy Gaunt
Ghadar Mutiny
Ghadar Party
Atulkrishna Ghosh
Kartar Singh Sarabha
Edward Grey, 1st Viscount Grey of Fallodon
Herambalal Gupta
Harnam Singh Saini
Werner Otto von Hentig
Hindu–German Conspiracy Trial
W. C. Hopkinson
Impact of the Hindu–German Conspiracy
India House
Indian Political Intelligence Office
Intelligence Bureau for the East
Irish Republican Brotherhood
Jallianwala Bagh massacre
Bagha Jatin
Vernon Kell
Pandurang Sadashiv Khankhoje
Continuous journey regulation
Komagata Maru incident
Vincent Kraft
Guran Ditt Kumar
Lahore Conspiracy Case trial
Har Dayal
Mahmud al-Hasan
W. Somerset Maugham
SS Maverick
Joseph McGarrity
Bhavabhushan Mitra
Jadugopal Mukherjee
Abani Mukherji
Robert Nathan (intelligence officer)
Oskar von Niedermayer
Niedermayer-Hentig Expedition
Max von Oppenheim
Oren (spy)
Franz von Papen
Bhai Parmanand
A. R. Pillai
Chempakaraman Pillai
Vishnu Ganesh Pingle
Sufi Amba Prasad
Mahendra Pratap
Provisional Government of India
Ram Chandra Bharadwaj
Pandit Kanshi Ram
George Rodiek
Rowlatt Committee
Sidney Rowlatt
M. N. Roy
Sachindra Nath Sanyal
Seistan Force
Silk Letter Conspiracy
Ubaidullah Sindhi
1915 Singapore Mutiny
Bhai Bhagwan Singh
Kirpal Singh (spy)
Agnes Smedley
Charles Tegart
Basil Thomson
Emanuel Viktor Voska
John Wallinger
Sir William Wiseman, 10th Baronet
Arthur Zimmermann
Pulin Behari Das
Sudhir Kanta Adhikary
Alipore bomb case
Sri Aurobindo
Bande Mataram (publication)
Barisal Conspiracy Case
Basanta Kumar Biswas
Khudiram Bose
Prafulla Chaki
Jogesh Chandra Chatterjee
Chittagong armoury raid
Jatindra Nath Das
Dhaka Anushilan Samiti
Ullaskar Dutta
Pratul Chandra Ganguli
Barindra Kumar Ghosh
Shibdas Ghosh
K. B. Hedgewar
Jugantar Patrika
Pramathanath Mitra
Nihar Mukherjee
Satish Chandra Mukherjee
Revolutionary Socialist Party (India)
Mokshadacharan Samadhyayi
Narendra Mohan Sen
Niranjan Sengupta
Iran–Contra affair
Elliott Abrams
Boland Amendment
Vincent Cannistraro
William J. Casey
Christic Institute
CIA and Contras cocaine trafficking in the US
Duane Clarridge
Thomas G. Clines
Edwin G. Corr
Robert Earl (US Marine)
Joseph F. Fernandez
Alan Fiers
Donald Fortier
Robert Gates
Clair George
Global International Airways
Fawn Hall
Eugene Hasenfus
Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani
David Kimche
Michael Ledeen
Arthur L. Liman
Robert McFarlane
Nicaragua v. United States
The Nightingale's Song
Oliver North
John Poindexter
Rafael Quintero
Ronald Reagan
Peter Dale Scott
Richard Secord
Theodore Shackley
Tower Commission
Transporte Aéreo Rioplatense
Caspar Weinberger